Customising the Grid

All grids (see Data Selection Grids) come with a defined ‘Default View’. In most screens you are able to change this ‘Default View’ to suit your personal preference.

As an example, you may want to change the Default View of Payment Pay Items to remove the GL Credit Code:

  1. From the Navigator, choose Payroll | Payroll Framework | Pay Items | Payment Pay Items.
  2. Click the Choose Fields button in the toolbar: Choose Fields button. The Customization window will appear – this may contain a list of fields from which you can select fields to be added to the grid.
  3. Remove GL Credit Code: click on the column’s header field and, holding the left mouse button down, drag it down below the headings or back into the Customization window (your cursor will display a large black X to indicate you are removing the field).
  4. Release the mouse button and the GL Credit Code column will no longer be displayed in the grid.

Note: to add a new column to the grid, simply reverse the process.

  • Locate the required entry in the Customization window, click on it and, holding the left mouse button down, drag it to the appropriate position within the existing column headers.
  1. Close the Customization window.
  2. Click your right-mouse button anywhere within the grid and from the pop-up menu, choose Save Settings. This will now become the Default View for this screen for this user login.

See also Using Custom Grid Views